Fran Hartshorne - Eating in season at The White Horse

Executive Chef at The White Horse at Brancaster, Fran Hartshorne places sustainability, seasonality and history at the heart of her menu…

“When I think of using Norfolk Seafood in my recipes, it makes me think about how much pride and passion goes into catching and landing it and how it’s my job to do justice to the amazing produce.

“I’m proud to have a close working relationship with each local supplier and working alongside them during the seasons, showcasing the best Norfolk has to offer..

“I’m also very lucky that The White Horse is located right on the coastal marshes, so seafood is predominant on my menu. I’m able to use a variety of suppliers and local fishermen who use traditional fishing techniques that are environmentally sound, keep waters clean and help to protect sustainable stock numbers. When we buy first-hand, we have to report to the local marine board to ensure local stocks are not overfished.

“Visitors come to North Norfolk for the famous Cromer crab, mussels, rock oysters and native lobsters, but we also have cockles and whelks. We’re so lucky to also have beautiful marsh sea herbs and vegetables that offer an alternative garnish, such as samphire, sea aster, sea beets and many others.

“There are also many sea fishing trips that visitors like to go on. You can fish for beautiful mackerel and wild sea bass when they’re in season.

“I love that seafood is so simple and really doesn’t have to be complicated. Most seafood cooks very quickly and in just a few minutes, you can have the simplest of dishes with big flavour.

“I think a lot of people fear the unknown. My advice would be to make sure your seafood is fresh and live if you’re using mussels or oysters. We are lucky that, in Norfolk, we have a lot of wet fish shops and fishermen who will help prepare and give advice on cooking seafood and preparing your fish, so always use their expertise.”

From oysters and bubbles or seafood platters for the adults, to battered line-caught fish for the kids, widen your taste experience at the White Horse. Book here to try the dishes whipped up by Fran and her team.