Haddock is a member of the cod family and has a dark lateral line which runs along the dark grey body, which is slimmer than cod. The flesh is not as white as cod but has a finer flake and a more tender texture.
Haddock has a slightly sweet, flavourful and ‘fishy’ taste and is excellent when smoked, a traditional best! Haddock is generally more loved in northern England and Scotland – order fish and chips in Scotland and you’ll get battered skinless haddock rather than skin-on cod preferred in the south.
Adapted from Love Seafood

Seafood type:
Best during:
January - February , August - DecemberAvailable:
All year round
Cooking recommendations:
Bake, deep fry, grill, pan fry or smokeHaddock Recipes
Billingsgate stargazy pie
Fish taco
Fish tacos with avocado and pink slaw
Fisherman’s pie
Green masala fish in banana leaves
Kedgeree with a fresh tomato sauce
Mexican style fish tacos
Modern Cullen skink
Pengelly’s shipwreck pie
Smoked haddock frying-pan pie
Smoked haddock pancakes, lemon crème fraîche and leeks
Smoked haddock risotto with cavolo nero
Smoked haddock tartare
Smoked haddock with a poached egg
Smokey fishcakes with dill and horseradish mayonnaise